Sunday, December 31, 2017

To My Muscle Babes For New Years! Please Read If You Have A Chance!

To all my muscle babes out there, all of you, from NPC, IFBB, WBFF, UFE, APF, IPF, NAPF  and all the other organizations out there. To all my bodybuilders, crossfitters, strong women, powerlifters, powerbuilders, atheletes, gymrats, fitness models and fitness gurus... This post is for you. From all you natural and unnatural athletes, to the vegans and vegetarians,  keep doing what you are doing , what you are doing for your body takes discipline, it takes commitment and it takes a serious life choice.

This year I wish you the best success in all of your fitness goals.

Beyond that though I wish you this:

1: I wish you the ability to love your body in every form, from off-season and on season and accept the amazing things a female body can do

2: I wish you the utmost health, as some of the training is intense and excruciating

3: I wish social media is kind to you and accepts the muscles on a female is beautiful and takes commitment and regiment to get the strong bodies we work hard for.

4: I wish balance. I wish you all to be able too maintain the balance of life, work, relationships, and training into a better balance so you enjoy life just a little bit more so

5: I wish you compared yourself a little bit less to every other Instagram chick out there  (yes we all do and I know you have) and accept yourself and all that you have accomplished. Also remember as much as you wish to be someone else. Someone is staring at your page wishing to be you. Love who you are,  it's who you were meant to be.

6: I wish you talked a little bit less about the other people around you and focused a little bit more on your goals (we are all guilty of this).

7: I wish you focus on the ones around you and learn to get gratification from real-life people instead of living off followers and likes from strangers you have never met.

8: I wish that you stop letting social platforms determine and dictate your moods based on comments and instead embrace your accomplishments

9: I wish that you find an honest relationship with a significant other who values you more than the filtered Instagram models that you continuously compare yourself too

10: I wish you to be the same person you are in person, online and in different environments . Don't be afraid.

11:  I wish you The ability to hold and maintain motivation and the mental strength and power to endure the training.

12: I wish you positivity and a strong mindset to stop doubting yourself, your ability or your direction in life. You are doing just fine.

13: I wish you keep doing what you love and let no person, no financial situation and no obstacle stop you from success.

14: I wish you all the best.

Happy New Year. 2018 will be one for the books!! Xo

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